Which characteristics did traders value most for The 2020 Winning Trade of the Year? Was it overall performance? Consistency of performance? Or simplicity in execution?
Click here or in the video to find out which trading strategy won!
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In The Winning Trade Episode 44 we asked traders to consider the characteristics of each of the following trades and this is what the results were:
- The time tested M3 trading strategy received 3% of your votes.
- The dependable M3.4u trading strategy received 9.1% of your votes.
- The pure and simple Super Bull trading strategy received 12.1% of your votes.
- The reliable X4V14 trading strategy received 18.2 % of your votes.
- The powerful V32 trading strategy received 21.2% of your votes.
And the 2020 Winning Trade of the Year, with 36.4% of your votes, is…
Drum roll please!
The Mighty, ROCK options trading system!
The mighty ROCK options trading system was the best performing* rule-based trading strategy that we follow on the Options Trading for Income by the Guidelines weekly webinar.
Description of this trade: The ROCK is an adaptive income strategy which means it is traded differently depending on implied volatility (IV) skew. This strategy was designed to be used on the Russell 2000 (RUT) index.
Minimum Capital Required: $5,000 per trade
Example size: $50,000 planned capital
Profit Target: 20% or $10,000 for this example
Exit Loss Trigger: 20% or $10,000 for this example
Entered Trade: 30 days to expiration
Trade Duration: Up to 30 days
Trade Adjustments: Yes
Overlapping Trades: No
Why do we love this trading strategy? It is by far, our best performing rule-based income strategy over the last 10 years.
The ROCK trading strategy is a concept-based trading system designed to be traded on the Russell 2000 index that combines the power of the ROCK, M3, and the Bearish Butterfly trading strategies. It is designed to maximize results in neutral to bearish market conditions. It is by far, our best performing* rule-based income strategy over the last 10 years.
This rule-based strategy has a minimum capital requirement is $5,000 and takes about 15 minutes a day to manage. Click here to learn more!
The ROCK trade is dominating 2020! Follow this trade and 11 other powerful strategies for the rest of the year and beyond! Become a GO or a PRO member to follow this trading strategy on the Options Trading for Income by the Guidelines weekly webinars. This trading strategy is for Trading Success Blueprint traders in Stage 4 and above to focus on.
*The result shown is from real-time, hypothetical trades such as those shown in the Options Trading for Income weekly webinar. Simulated trades are believed to be represented as accurately as possible, however, live results may have been different. The result is shared as an example for educational purposes ONLY.
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