Stock market emotions are real! Do you know that doing well with money has little to do with how smart you are but more about how you behave?
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You can learn to be wealthy if you have a handful of the right behavioral skills. These skills have nothing to do with a formal education or intelligence.
Behavioral skills can be difficult to master and maintain. Humans are emotional beings and many times we deviate from the right skills based on an emotional reaction.
People naturally jump to conclusions about how easy it is going to be to make money trading. Which if you are a trader, you know that it is not easy.
In general, we are taught about money in ways that are much like physics with rules and laws. However, money is really more about emotions which don’t follow rules or laws.
The stock market does not follow rules or laws. It’s movement is actually based on people’s behavior, emotions, and reactions.
Financial success is not a hard science. It is a soft skill. In order to understand stock market movement, trader’s need to learn about emotions.
That is why we produce the Trading Performance Podcast for everyone to gain important insights into the stock market and how a trader many improve their performance in it.
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