Profitable trading processes are required to be successful as a trader. In order to be profitable over the long term we need to understand certain technicals like price action, price volatility, Implied Volatility, and real-world probability. Trading is like a riddle to be solved. Once it is solved, you can be successful!
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00:58 Option trading strategies
01:19 Consistency
02:41 Trading options
03:12 Trading strategy
03:23 Volatility
03:53 P&L
04:02 Price action
04:36 Capital
05:00 Risks analysis
05:14 Implied volatility
05:21 Technicals
07:17 Confidence
07:28 Probability
07:38 Guidelines
08:05 Risk management
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Having a good set of guidelines can be helpful but it is not enough.
We must understand how certain technicals like price action, price volatility, Implied Volatility, and real-world probability interact with our guidelines to make a proper risk analysis of our trading.
These elements must be looked at both individually and in unison in order to be confident you are maintaining good risk management.
We know you will enjoy this insightful podcast where we discuss the many aspects of trading and what it takes to be profitable. Even more importantly, listen up and discover what not to do as we reveals common mistakes you must avoid in order to be successful in the world of trading.
We would love to hear your feedback so be sure to ask questions and comment on the video.
The goal of the Trading Performance Podcast is to help everyone to gain important insights into the stock market and how a trader can improve their performance in it.
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